Do Not Put Your Home Address in Car Navigation Apps – Thieves Love It

This is a simple trick I learned from a customer at the hardware store.

A husband and wife went out to dinner and parked on a side street near the restaurant. After dinner they went outside and discovered their car was stolen. After making a police report a friend came and took them home.

Once inside they discovered the car thief used the HOME feature on the GPS to navigate to the house, then used the garage opener in the car to gain entry and ransacked the house. The thieves knew they had over an hour from then the couple entered the restaurant until they came home to search and steal any valuables inside.

I immediately went and changed HOME on my phone and car gps to the corner party store. A house on the end of the block or a block away should suffice also.

A simple trick to thwart a thief from doing the same to you!