Save Damaged Rotten Wood – Stabilize with Wood Hardener, Fill with Bondo

You can save and restore important pieces, like window ledges, from rotten wood by using a wood hardener, PC-Petrifier Wood Hardener, and bondo.

The PC Products 16 oz. PC-Petrifier Wood Hardener can be used to harden damaged and rotted wood inside and outside of your home. Pour onto soft rotted wood to help restore. It is pre-mixed formula is environmentally safe and ready-to-use.

• Helps harden damaged and rotted wood

• For non-structural applications – window frames, sills, doors and wooden trim

• Water-based formula is environmentally friendly

• Safe for indoor and outdoor use

• Paintable

• Shrink resistant

• Pre-mixed and ready to use

• Can be sprayed or poured

• Dries in 12 – 24 hours

• After cutting, rebuild parts epoxy or Bondo Wood Rot

Inspect the wood and if 50% or more is salvageable then use the restoration products.

Wood must be DRY so the fortifier soaks in.

Drill holes in vertical wood at a downward angle so it does not drain out.

Apply epoxy, Bondo and push it into cracks and holes.

Shape and sand it smooth.

Stain or Paint to taste.